Welcome to the Western Bat Working Group, one of four 501(c)(3) charities, alongside the Northeast Bat Working Group, Midwest Bat Working Group, and Southeastern Bat Diversity Network, composing the Coalition of North American Bat Working Groups. The Western Bat Working Group comprises agencies, organizations and individuals passionate about bat research, conservation and management from fifteen western states; the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan; and the Northwest and Yukon territories.

The mission of the Western Bat Working Group is to facilitate communication among interested parties and reduce risks of species decline or extinction; provide a mechanism by which current information regarding bat ecology, distribution, and research techniques can be readily accessed; and develop a forum in which conservation strategies can be discussed, technical assistance provided, and education programs encouraged.

The vision of the Western Bat Working Group is that all interested and responsible individuals, agencies, interest groups, and businesses will work cooperatively to ensure that bats are conserved throughout their existing range, and within suitable historic range. Bats will be preserved for the sake of biological diversity, ecological integrity and for the benefit of present and future humanity.

- to increase efficiency of bat management and conservation by facilitating better communication among responsible and interested parties;
- to encourage continuity and standardization in survey techniques, data collection and storage, monitoring, and State permit requirements;
- to encourage management and research efficiency by recommending effective techniques and minimizing duplicate efforts;
- to encourage land management practices that benefit bat populations, support practices that minimize unavoidable impacts, and recommend mitigation as needed;
- to facilitate the inventory, monitoring, and assessment of bat species and their habitats;
- to facilitate the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of conservation strategies for individual species or groups of species;
- to encourage and/or assist in providing training concerning bat inventory, monitoring, and research techniques which emphasize bat welfare and human safety;
- to encourage community based education programs that support bat conservation; and
- to provide support, comments, and/or technical assistance as requested to facilitate goal implementation.
Western Bat Working Group's governing body encompasses a Board of Directors i.e., representatives from fifteen states, three Canadian provinces and two Canadian territories; and an Executive Committee, i.e., typically, six presiding officers including a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and two at-large representatives.
The success of the Western Bat Working Group depends on an active exchange of information between the six presiding officers and representatives from participating state, provincial, and territorial working groups. This collaborative dialogue is essential for individuals, agencies and interest groups to reach a consensus view relative to conservation strategies and efforts.
Join the conservation community; contribute, participate, and further conservation initiatives by becoming a member, joining the Listserv or contributing locally.Â
Become a Member /
Paid membership is required to be a voting member of the Western Bat Working Group. Your vote empowers you to elect Board members on a biennial basis, and your dues ensure the continued success of our biennial meetings, support student scholarships, and more.
Join the Listserv /
Contribute to the conversation by joining the Western Bat Working Group Listserv. Paid membership is not required.
Contribute Locally /
Contribute locally by joining the state or regional bat working group in your area. There are no membership dues or fees. The only requirement is an interest in bat conservation and the desire to devote some time and energy to developing and implementing conservation actions for these magnificent animals.
Education of people at all levels about the importance of bats in our environment is essential to the long term survival of bat species in North America.
The Western Bat Working Group encourages community education and conservation initiatives, and fosters these efforts by providing readily accessible, contemporary information relating to bat ecology, distribution, and research methodologies.

Give today
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, monetary donations are fully tax-deductible. Contribute directly to the Western Bat Working Group, or by supporting one of our scholarship or educational funds.