About Governance

The Western Bat Working Group is governed by a board of elected officers and a board of directors. The officers include a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and four at-large representatives; two of the at-large representatives are elected and two are appointed by the president. At least one at-large representative will be from Canada. The intent is to have a diverse mix of federal, state, provincial, and private entity representation on the Board with at least one of the Officers being associated with a state wildlife agency that represents Western Bat Working Group at the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and associated groups such as The Trilateral Committee.


Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is made up of Directors that have been elected by the members of their state, province or territory to represent them in the WBWG. More than one director may be selected per state, province or territory although each state is allowed one vote within the function of The Board of Directors. It is up to the discretion of each state, province or territory to determine their election procedure but according to WBWG Bylaws, their term of office is two years and until he or she is re-elected, or his or her successor is elected and qualifies.


Duties of a director include,

  • meet at such times and places as required by the Bylaws including participation in WBWG conference calls;  
  • act as liaison and facilitate communication between WBWG and members of their respective state, province or territory (e.g., solicit feedback from members when voting on WBWG issues);  
  • provide summary report(s) of bat-related activity in their respective state, province or territory for inclusion in WBWG Newsletters; and  
  • assist the Board of Directors and Officers in carrying out the work of the WBWG.  


Officers are elected by the Board of Directors. Directors should get a consensus from the members of their respective state, province or territory and then vote for officers based on that consensus. Term of office for Officers is two years, or until he or she is re-elected, resigns or is removed or is otherwise disqualified to serve, or until his or her successor shall be elected and qualified, whichever occurs first.


Duties of the president include,

  • supervises and controls the affairs of WBWG and the activities of the Officers, subject to the control of the Board of Directors;
  • presides at all meetings of the Board of Directors and meetings of the members;
  • maintains the Action Plan and facilities implementation of the Action Plan;
  • signs contracts for WBWG meetings; and
  • serves as primary signatory, representative, and liaison for WBWG.
Vice President

Duties of the vice president include,

  • perform all duties of the President in the absence of the President, or in the event of his or her inability or refusal to act; and
  • assist the President in carrying out the work of the WBWG by completing tasks assigned by the President or Board of Directors.

Duties of the secretary include,

  • certify and keep the original, or a copy, of the Bylaws as amended or otherwise altered to date;
  • maintain a record of all formal communications and a book of minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors and Officers including time and place held, attendees, and proceedings (this includes securing edits for meeting notes and submitting them to the webmaster within 5 days following the meeting);
  • maintain and update regularly a membership book containing names and addresses of members, and distribute membership rolls to Directors of each state or province at least every 6 months;
  • assist with writing and disseminating letters on behalf of WBWG;
  • serve on the Membership Committee; and
  • conduct roll call for meetings of the Board of Directors.

Duties of the treasurer include,

  • have charge and custody of, and be responsible for, all funds and securities of WBWG;
  • receive, and give receipt for, monies due and payable to WBWG from any source;
  • disburse, or cause to be disbursed, WBWG funds as may be directed by the Board of Directors;
  • keep and maintain adequate and correct accounts of WBWG’s business transactions;
  • provide an annual report to the Board of Directors on the financial status of the corporation;
  • render to the President and Directors, whenever requested, an account of any or all of his or her transactions as Treasurer and of the financial condition of WBWG;
  • prepare and certify the financial statements to be included in any required reports; and
  • annually update the non-profit status of WBWG.
At-large Representative

Duties of the at-large representatives include,

  • participate in meetings of Board of Directors and Officers including conference calls; and
  • assist the Board of Directors and Officers in carrying out the work of the WBWG.