Southern Sierra Research Station
October 11-13, 2024
Southwestern Desert Bats Class
Patricia Brown, Ph.D. will offer a 2-day class on Southwestern Desert Bats, sponsored by the Southern Sierra Research Station (SSRS), to be held at the Desert Studies Center (DSC) at Soda Springs (ZZYZX) south of Baker, California from 4:00 pm on Friday October 11 until 3 pm on Sunday October 13th, 2024.
Bats are important components of the desert ecosystem, yet because of their nocturnal nature they are usually difficult to observe. This course will introduce the participants to the world of bats and to some of the techniques used by scientists to study these amazing mammals. Nightly field work will allow participants to use ultrasonic bat detectors and night vision equipment and to observe the mist-netting of wild bats (unless it’s windy). Diurnal lectures and videos will supplement the field experiences.